Panel Chair

  • Choi Tsz Ling

Major concerns 2022-2023:

  1. To facilitate whole school development, strengthen professional leadership and middle management.
  2. To cultivate self directed learning to in turn gradually improve students’ generic skills.
  3. Strengthen leadership training in order to foster students’ perseverance.


Areas of concern of 2022/23 Music Subject

1.To improve students all-rounded music knowledge.

  1. To consolidate the learning habits of doing the preparation before lessons and writing notes in order to enhance the study results of the students.

3. To implement the refined cultivation plans for the students.

  • Keyboard class 電子琴班
  • Guitar class 結他班
  • Kalimba class 姆指琴班
  • Choir 合唱團
  • Band Training 樂隊訓練
