School – Student Awards

HKBUSPEH 30th Anniversary 3X3 Basketball Competition

We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in HKBUSPEH 30th Anniversary 3X3 Basketball Competition organized by Hong Kong Baptist University: 3W 何柏轩 Secondary School 2nd Place 3W 尹世民 Secondary School 2nd Place 3W 余浩铭 Secondary School 2nd Place 3W 余俊羲 Secondary School 2nd Place 5W 萧嘉濠 Secondary School 2nd Place

Hong Kong Technology Competition 2023 (Environmental Friendly Climbing Cars Design)

We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Hong Kong Technology Competition 2023 (Environmental Friendly Climbing Cars Design) organized by Lee Lo See Staionary: 2W 林奕熙 Secondary School Outstanding Award 2W 黄俊谚 Secondary School Outstanding Award 4W 丁月鋆 Secondary School Outstanding Award

74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (Putonghua)

We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in 74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (Putonghua) organized by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association: 3W 陈炳跃 中三四男散 Merit 3W 郭泓林 中三四男散 Merit 5W 马芷君 中五六女散 Merit 5W 施敏儿 中五六女散 Merit 5W 吴泳儿 中五六女散 Proficiency