Media report – 教育佳 – 开路靠前人 走路靠个人


EDB Chinese Writing and Talent Competition for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 1st Place – 5K SUBEDI AASISH

EDB Chinese Writing and Talent Competition for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 1st Place – 5K SUBEDI AASISH

EDB Chinese Writing and Talent Competition for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 2nd Place – 4K CONSTANTINO JERICA JEAN MARZO

EDB Chinese Writing and Talent Competition for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 2nd Place – 4K CONSTANTINO JERICA JEAN MARZO

出售再生能源 环保教育榜样

出售再生能源 环保教育榜样

2020/21 Results of IMC Parent Manager Election


BYOD (Login by Google student)

BYOD (Login by Google student)

[Principal’s message] A Challenging Year

Thank God, today all students have returned to the school to start a new school year! When you lose something, you will know how to cherish and know that things shall not be taken for granted. Whether it’s your parents’ love and care, health, learning in classrooms with your classmates, playing ball games, singing, or […]

Class Allocation Result

Class Allocation Result


因应近期新型冠状病毒的疫情尚未稳定及教育局宣布学校须停课至5月26日, 除了本校一年一度的校友会会员大会(AGM)会顺延举行外,今年原定计划举办的 “校友职场分享会”、“华山Talent Show 2020”及当晚校内自助聚餐将会全部取消。 复课后,经主席及各副主席商讨后,现在议决2020/21 校友会会员大会(AGM) 举行日期及安排如下︰ 举行日期︰二零二零年六月二十七日(星期六) 举行时间︰下午五时正报到 (下午 5:15 开始,约下午 5:45 结束) 举行地点︰本校舞蹈室 报名方法:可致电 2571 1285 或电邮 / 向梁美妍助理校长或陈伟基主任报名。 会后聚餐收费: 400 元 (聚餐地点将于校外举行,稍后会公布地点详情。而议程及上年会议纪录亦将稍后一并发放。) 收费方法: 须于14/6/2020 前透过 PayMe (请列明姓名、电话、毕业年份及人数)付款予陈赞臣主席 (Tel: 9218 2425)。 请大家踊跃支持及出席当天会员大会。若有任何查询,可于办公时间内致电 2571 1285 联络梁美妍助理校长或陈伟基主任。 此致 中华基督教会桂华山中学 历届校友 全体校友会干事 敬约 (主席陈赞臣代行) 二零二零年五月廿八日