Panel Head

  • Li Ka Ling


  • Wong Sang Wah

School’s Major Concern:

1. To maintain professional development for teachers, elevate the learning atmosphere in school, and instill good learning habits to students.

2. To promulgate national security education through a whole-school approach and thereby nurture students to become law-abiding citizens.

3. To develop multicultural and diversified career and life planning education through a whole-school approach.


Subject Annual Concern:

1. In response to School’s Major Concern 2: To promulgate national security education through a whole-school approach and thereby nurture students to become law-abiding citizens.

2. Modify the curriculum to cater for learner diversity.

3. Foster self-regulated learning among students so as to increase their learning effectiveness.

4. Foster and enhance students’ interest in Biology so that students respect all lives and concern for the environment.

5. Foster student’ all round development. To strengthen career and life planning for students.

  1. To strength the analytical skills of students for better preparation and performance in the public examination.
  2. To provide intensive classes for higher-ability students during public holidays.
  1. To provide different kind of activities in order to increase the learning motivation of students.
  2. To provide supplementary classes for the less able students.

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