Citizenship and Social Development

Panel Head

  • Lin Tat Hei

Subject Teachers

  • Ho Kai Chi

1. To promulgate national security education through a whole-school approach and thereby nurture students to become law-abiding citizens.

2. Adopt latest pedagogical skills in daily teaching, facilitate self-regulated learning of students.

3. Promote better personal, social, national, global and environmental understanding and awareness of students. Facilitate students to construct positive values and attitudes.

  1. Utilize internet as an interactive learning platform, strength student’s self-regulated learning skills with inquiry-based learning, in order to facilitate student’s critical and logical thinking and their understanding on different concepts
  2. Provide tiptop students intensive trainings on public exam papers and expose them to current issues. Facilitate students to write more and deeper, promote better understanding of students on different question types, concepts and assessment criteria.
  1. Utilize internet as an interactive learning platform, strength post-lesson preparation and after-lesson consolidation to facilitate sustainable learning of students.
  2. Provide practice and tutorial for students in order to allow them to be more familiar with different exam skills and frameworks. Focused trainings to strength student’s conceptualization and data-extraction ability.

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