[校园电视台] 获奖 – "Your Choice”纳米电影创作比赛最佳摄影

[校园电视台] 获奖 – "Your Choice”纳米电影创作比赛   本校校园电视台在香港青少年发展联会主办的“Your Choice”纳米电影创作比赛2020-2021中,荣获四大奖项中的其中一项︰ 最佳摄影 同学的作品及分享表现获评审及现场嘉宾的高度肯定,备受鼓舞,对其成长有莫大助益。 影片: https://youtu.be/uI-bAkLTTJs 参与成员︰ 许洁滢 陈培 林文谦 陈政希

[Principal’s message] Let us celebrate Our School 45th Anniversary with Gratitude

Let’s start our new school year with gratitude. According to the instruction of the EDB, the school is currently conducting half-day face-to-face classes. The vaccination rate of our staff and students are nearly 100% and 70% or above respectively, the school will be able to resume whole-day face-to-face classes in October. Students can also conduct […]

The First Place and The Online Popularity Award in the Preventing Sexual Harassment Video Contest for Secondary School Students 2020/21

We are proud to announce that the following students have been awarded The First Place and The Online Popularity Award in the Preventing Sexual Harassment Video Contest for Secondary School Srudents 2020/21 organized by The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong. 1K Farwa 1K Kaithlyn 1K Joy 1K Crisha 1K Dolma 1K Kriztella 1K Chantapat […]