The Church of Christ in China 100th Anniversary Inter-school Rummikub Competition

Date:2018.4.28 (Sat) Time:8 : 30 – 13 : 00 Venue:School Hall Participants:100 students came from 23 secondary school of CCC

The 10th Wah Shan Basketball Championship (28/4)

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[Media report] The Chinese learning drama show – MasterQ (Chinese Version only)

[] 中華基督教會桂華山中學周年話劇大匯演於3月初順利完成,劇目為《老夫子之方舟奇緣》,顧名思義本劇以老夫子為題材,將老夫子、大番薯、秦先生重現舞台。一如以往,華語生及非華語生聯手演出周年話劇,藉此增加認識彼此文化的機會,達致種族融和。…[閱讀更多]   Other Media report

CYC Inter-school Sand Sculpture Competition 2017/18–Championship
[Media report] The amazing harmonica concert by VELOZ (Chinese Version only)

[] 中華基督教會桂華山中學上月過了一個血脈沸騰的下午,世界知名的VELOZ口琴四重奏樂隊到校為一眾師生表演,冀在香港學界推廣口琴,讓更多學生享受音樂的樂趣。今年7月更會舉辦首屆香港小學口琴比賽,由VELOZ 口琴四重奏成員擔任嘉賓評判,同場更有桂華山中學師生口琴大合奏,相信氣氛會更加熱烈。…[閱讀更多]   Other Media report

Student’s article is published in SCMP
“Good teacher Good student award” Awardee – Ms Leung Mei Yin

Our teacher, Ms Leung Mei Yin, got the “Good Teacher Award” of the “Good teacher Good student award 2017” For more details

VTC Basketball Match
Champion of Hong Kong IVE Basketball Invitation Competition
Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival

Congratulations to Gia in 5K for winning the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English Speech)! She won first place in girls solo verse speaking. We are very proud of her achievement and dedication as she show us that hard work really does pay off.

Social Media Award of ‘Know AIDS, No AIDS’

Our school had joined the Creative School Projects on HIV/AIDS’ Prevention ‘Know AIDS, No AIDS’  which was launched by the Red Ribbon Centre of the Health Department and the Family Planning Association.  And  our school won the Social Media Award. We were honoured of receiving the award presented by Dr Chui Tak-yi, Under Secretary For […]