Teacher Professional Development

Staff Professional Development and Appraisal Committee

Committee Chairlady/Vice-chairlady
  •  Chairlady:Leung Mei Yin
  • Vice-chairlady: Cheung Kam Ning
Committee members:
  • Chan Wai Kee
  • Mok Ka Man
  • Chan Ka Yan
(I) Aims

(A) Respond to School Major Concern (1):
“To strengthen professional leadership and mid-level management in alignment with the continued development of the school.”

  • Create an atmosphere of teamwork, broaden the mid-level management perspectives and enhance mid-level managers’ planning and management skills
  • Enhance teacher training, strengthen national education and raise teachers’ professional conduct

Respond to School Major Concern (2):
“To foster self-regulated learning habits and progressively enhance students’ generic skills.”

  • Hone students’ self-regulated learning habits and attitudes
  • Enhance learning and teaching efficiency continuously

Respond to School Major Concern (3):
“Enhance leadership training and nurture students’ spirit of perseverance.”

  • Nurture Wahshanian personality traits continuously


(B) Respond to Team Major Concerns

(i)Pursue continuous professional development and enhance teacher quality; strengthen national education and optimize teacher training.

(ii)Assist colleagues to know more about the latest education policies and new for their professional growth.

(iii)Create an atmosphere of support among teachers and continuous professional development to be in line with the school future development.

(iv) Care for the physical and mental health of teachers.

(v) Provide mentoring support to newly recruited teachers to promote their professional development.

(vi) Assist teachers in implementing activities such as ‘Project Learning’, ‘Learning from Reading’, ‘Moral and Civic Education’.

(vii) Assist the school in promoting self-appraisal work.

(II) Tentative Activities for Professional Development Training
  1. 17 August 2021:

Training Purpose: Staff Professional Development and Appraisal Committee provide support for new teachers support to help them adapt to the new working environment and facilitate their professional development.

Persons-In-Charge: Principal WONG Chung-leung, Ms LO Man-yee (Learning & Teaching), Mr WONG Fat-mo (Student Development), Ms HO Po-yee (NCS Support) and Ms LEUNG Mei-yin (Staff Development).


  1. 18 August 2021:

First Part:

    • Seminar Topic:

 ‘Support Autistic Students’ (1 hour)

 ‘Support Students with Special Needs in School’ (30 minutes)

Speakers: Ms LI Ka-ling, Ms YUNG (Educational Psychologist) and Ms CHAN (Speech Therapist)


Second Part:

IOS Apps and MDM Training Workshop (1 hour 30 minutes)

Teachers-in-charge: Information Technology Team (Mr CHAN Wai-kei and Mr WU Chi-ho)


  1. September 2021:

Invite Principal HO Ming-sang to conduct ‘Cooperative Learning’ workshop for new teachers at the end of October.


  1. 12 November 2021:

Morning Session:

Topic: ‘Positive Inclusion’ teaching training workshop (2 hours)


Afternoon Session:

Home Visit Practice (Tentative)


  1. October to December 2021:

Conduct first-term ‘communicative’ class observations and ‘open classrooms’


  1. November to December 2021:

Five teachers will participate in the open classrooms of the “Self-Regulated Learning Festival” organised by The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools.


  1. 8 February 2022:

Second Staff Development Day (Morning):

All teachers attend the Council’s Joint-School Teacher Development Day.


  1. Subject-based Professional Development Arrangement:

(i) 1st Term Uniform Test: 3 November (Wednesday) – 5 November (Friday) afternoon

(ii) 2nd Term Uniform Test: 23 March (Wednesday) – 24 March (Friday) afternoon


  1. 14 June 2022

Theme: School Development Plan and Work Review