Student Awards Summary
Student Awards
“National Day Cup” Hong Kong Youth Uniformed Groups Three-on-Three Basketball Invitation Tournament
On October 19, 2024, four students from our school’s boys basketball team were invited by the Youth Team of the Security Bureau to participate in the “National Day Cup” Hong Kong Youth Uniformed Groups Three-on-Three Basketball Invitation Tournament. They competed against other uniformed groups such as the Hong Kong Boys Scouts and the Correctional Services […]
Celebration of Success for the Enhanced Smart Teen Project
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Celebration of Success for the Enhanced Smart Teen Project organized by EDB (Guidance & Discipline Section): 4W 李淇淇 Most-improved Award 4W 陳宇彬 Most-improved Award 4W 楊展宇 Most-improved Award
CCC Inter-school Volleyball Tournament
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in CCC Inter-school Volleyball Tournament organized by HKCCCC: 3K JAPINDERPAL 4th Place 3S SETH 4th Place 4K CHANTAPAT 4th Place 4K SIDDHARTH 4th Place 4S LOUIS 4th Place 4S JEISON 4th Place 5K REIAN 4th Place 5S MIROSH 4th Place 5S MINGSO 4th Place […]
Joint Schools Dome Race Competition
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Joint Schools Dome Race Competition organized by Institute of Vocational Education (IVE): 1K ANGEL 2nd runner-up 1K ALDRICH 2nd runner-up 1K HARKARAN 2nd runner-up 1K FATEH 2nd runner-up
Hong Kong Outstanding Volunteer in Schools 2024
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Hong Kong Outstanding Volunteer in Schools 2024 organized by Hong Kong Parent Teacher Federation Association: 4W 陳宇彬 Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 4W 張軒維 Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 4W 楊展宇 Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 4S MALAIKAH Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 4S DOLMA Outstanding Student […]
Chinese Historical Figure of the Year Election 2020 (Project Learning Report Writing Competition)
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Chinese Historical Figure of the Year Election 2020 (Project Learning Report Writing Competition) organized by Centre of National History Education (HK): 5W 蔡枋樺 高中組 Certificate of Merit 5W 洪紫琳 高中組 Certificate of Merit 5W 李心兒 高中組 Certificate of Merit 5W 司徙嘉儀 高中組 Certificate […]
HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS (2021/2022)
We are proud to announce that the following student is awarded in HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS (2021/2022) organized by HKICPA/HKABE : 5K NAUMAN Awardee
The Kiwanis Community Service Award 2024
The Kiwanis Community Service Award 2024 We are proud to announce that the following student is awarded in The Kiwanis Community Service Award 2024 organized by Kiwanis Club of Hong Kong : 4W 高梓雅 Community Service Award
CCC Interschool 3×3 Basketball Tournament
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in CCC Interschool 3×3 Basketball Tournament organized by HKCCCC Principal’s Association: 3W 張君豪 Secondary School Boys Champion 4W 尹世民 Secondary School Boys Champion 4W 許量登 Secondary School Boys Champion 4W 余俊羲 Secondary School Boys Champion 5K KESANG Secondary School Boys Champion
1st Interact Cup 3×3 Basketball Tournament (Inter-region)
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in 1st Interact Cup 3×3 Basketball Tournament (Inter-region) organized by Rotary District 3450 : 4W 許量登 Boys 1st runner-up 4W 余俊羲 Boys 1st runner-up 5K KESANG Boys 1st runner-up