Hong Kong musicians win big at harmonica ‘Olympics’ in Germany

Our Music Panel Dr Seto got great achievement at the World Harmonica Festival 2017. More details

HK East Parents Teacher Association – Sand Sculpture Competition 2017 Championship

Our students had joint the Sand Sculpture Competition at Shek O Beach on 5th November 2017. The activity was held by Federation of PTA of HK East District. Students participated actively in the competition and they won first prize in the senior class and Leung Pui Wing won the best presenter award.

2017/18 Result of PTA Executive Committee Member Election
Using “Old Master Q” in teaching materials

The Author of “Old Master Q”, Mr Wong, met our students, principal and teachers yesterday. Kwei Wah Shan College will use Mr Wong’s character in Chinese curriculum in order to enhance the learning motivation of students. Related News︰《老夫子》納教材 書展辦簽名會 王澤獲贈紀念牌

Viu TV – “Welcome to Secondary School”

Our school was introduced in episode 10 of ViuTV Programme “Welcome to Secondary School”. Please visit ViuTV or download the “ViuTV app” for more detail. Link︰ViuTV Welcomoe to Secondary School Episode 10

Basketball Feature
[Media Report] 40th Anniversary Drama Show of CCCKWS
Youth Arch Student Improvement Award 2015-16 Scholarship
[Media Report] 40th Anniversaryof Kwei Wah Shan

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[Media Report] Watoto @ Kwei Wah Shan

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