有誰共鳴 04.09.2024 中華基督教會桂華山中學張勵明助理校長
First day of school
First day of school : 02/09/2024 (Monday) 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Class Affairs and Start-of-year Service
麥家寶 (Mak Ka Bo)
現任上海巿靜安區政協委員 (member of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference) 滬港青年會 (Hong Kong-Shanghai Youth Association Limited) 擔任 副會長 (Vice President) 鼎勝資產管理 (Maunakai Capital Partners) 擔任 合夥人 (Partner) 國富達投資有限公司 (Confederation Investment Ltd) 曾擔任 行政主席 (Executive Chairman) 時富金融服務有限公司 (Celestial Financial Services Limited) 曾擔任 高級副總裁 (Senior Vice President)
鄭禮斌 (Cheng Lai pan)
2013至2018期間曾任哈爾濱市政協委員 (member of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference from 2013 to 2018) 上海吉馳建材科技有限公司 (Shanghai Pony Technology Co., Ltd) 擔任 財務總監 (Chief Financial Officer) 上海吉馳建材科技有限公司是中國第一間以一帶一路名義,代表中國去全球,承辦玻璃生產線的總設計承辦商。 鴻昇有限公司 (Glory Sino LTD.) 擔任 執行董事 (Executive Director) 鴻昇有限公司是一所工程及建材供應商,亦是興建香港機場第三條跑道的其中一間供應商。
Class Allocation Result 2024-2025
Class Allocation Result
Celebration of Success for the Enhanced Smart Teen Project
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Celebration of Success for the Enhanced Smart Teen Project organized by EDB (Guidance & Discipline Section): 4W 李淇淇 Most-improved Award 4W 陳宇彬 Most-improved Award 4W 楊展宇 Most-improved Award
CCC Inter-school Volleyball Tournament
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in CCC Inter-school Volleyball Tournament organized by HKCCCC: 3K JAPINDERPAL 4th Place 3S SETH 4th Place 4K CHANTAPAT 4th Place 4K SIDDHARTH 4th Place 4S LOUIS 4th Place 4S JEISON 4th Place 5K REIAN 4th Place 5S MIROSH 4th Place 5S MINGSO 4th Place […]
Joint Schools Dome Race Competition
We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Joint Schools Dome Race Competition organized by Institute of Vocational Education (IVE): 1K ANGEL 2nd runner-up 1K ALDRICH 2nd runner-up 1K HARKARAN 2nd runner-up 1K FATEH 2nd runner-up