All posts by Admin CCCKWSC

Hong Kong Youth Reading Report Competition

We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Hong Kong Youth Reading Report Competition organized by China Merchants Group: 5W 蔡枋樺 Secondary Section Certificate of Honor 5W 丁玥鋆 Secondary Section Certificate of Honor 5W 許嘉晴 Secondary Section Certificate of Honor 5W 伍明心 Secondary Section Certificate of Honor 5W 朱永鏗 Secondary Section […]


第一屆「扶少盃」三人籃球比賽, 本校男子籃球隊獲香港賽區冠軍,並與澳門、蒙古等賽區冠軍作賽,最終獲全場總亞軍。 學生名單 4W19許量登 4W22余俊羲 5K24紀道智KESANG <img src=”” alt=”” width=”1600″ height=”1200″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-12636″ /> <img src=”” alt=”” width=”1600″ height=”1200″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-12637″ /> <img src=”” alt=”” width=”1600″ height=”1200″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-12638″ /> <img src=”” alt=”” width=”1200″ height=”1600″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-12639″ /> <img src=”” alt=”” width=”1200″ height=”1600″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-12640″ /> <img src=”” alt=”” width=”1200″ […]



Secondary School Sand Sculpture Competition 2023

We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Secondary School Sand Sculpture Competition 2023 organized by Federation of PTA of HK East District: 5K NAIMA Secondary School Champion 5K EZRA Secondary School Champion 5K HEENA Secondary School Champion 5K NEHA Secondary School Champion 5K SHAJADA Secondary School The Most Popular Award […]

60th Schools Dance Festival

We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in 60th Schools Dance Festival organized by Hong Kong Schools Dance Association Limited: 1W CATHERINE Jazz & Street Dance(Group Dance) Highly Commended Award 1W CHLOE Jazz & Street Dance(Group Dance) Highly Commended Award 1S BIPANPREET Jazz & Street Dance(Group Dance) Highly Commended Award 1S […]

Youth Arch Student Improvement Award (2022-2023)

We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in Youth Arch Student Improvement Award (2022-2023) organized by Youth Arch Foundation: 2K GABRIEL Awardee 2W 黃子蘊 Awardee 2S JUSTINE Awardee 3K ANGELA Awardee 3W 林奕熙 Awardee 3S BENJAMIN Awardee 4W 楊展宇 Awardee 4S FARWA Awardee 4S MARCO Awardee 5K HEENA Awardee 5W 張恩齊 […]