School – Student Awards

[校園電視台] 獲獎 – "Your Choice”納米電影創作比賽最佳攝影

[校園電視台] 獲獎 – "Your Choice”納米電影創作比賽   本校校園電視台在香港青少年發展聯會主辦的“Your Choice”納米電影創作比賽2020-2021中,榮獲四大獎項中的其中一項︰ 最佳攝影 同學的作品及分享表現獲評審及現場嘉賓的高度肯定,備受鼓舞,對其成長有莫大助益。 影片: 參與成員︰ 許潔瀅 陳培 林文謙 陳政希

The First Place and The Online Popularity Award in the Preventing Sexual Harassment Video Contest for Secondary School Students 2020/21

We are proud to announce that the following students have been awarded The First Place and The Online Popularity Award in the Preventing Sexual Harassment Video Contest for Secondary School Srudents 2020/21 organized by The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong. 1K Farwa 1K Kaithlyn 1K Joy 1K Crisha 1K Dolma 1K Kriztella 1K Chantapat […]