Special school arrangement 2019.11.13

Based on the current social situation and the possible risks for those attempting to travel to and from school, the EDB announced that parents should consider the situation and make suitable arrangements for their son(s) / daughter(s).   If they decide to keep their children at home, they should inform the school as soon as […]

[Principal’s message] Dream a new dream

It has been an atypical summer for us all. In spite of the difficulties we have faced, the Lord’s love for us remains steadfast and unchanging as James 1:17 tells us, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation […]

Class Allocation Result

Class Allocation Result

2nd Hong Kong Primary School Harmonica Competition 2019 – Competition Schedule

Date: 4th July, 2019 (Thursday) Time: 8:10 – 13:00 Venue: Hall, CCC Kwei Wah Shan College Competition Schedule If you have any further enquiry, please feel free to contact Ms Lam Yui by calling 25711285.

2018/19 Result of PTA IMC Member Election
2nd Hong Kong Primary School Harmonica Competition 2019 – Announcement of participants

Date: 4th July, 2019 (Thursday) Time: 9:00 – 12:00 am Venue: Hall, CCC Kwei Wah Shan College Announcement of participants If you have any further enquiry, please feel free to contact Ms Lam Yui by calling 25711285.


選舉通知 謹通知本會會員,鄭金妹女士擔任中華基督教會桂華山中學(下稱“本校”)法團校董會(下稱“法團校董會”)的任期將於2019年8月31日結束。本會有需要填補自該日起校友校董的出缺。 根據本會會章(超鏈接:https://ccckws.edu.hk/alumni.pdf),本人現發出以下選舉通知 (1) 本會可提名的校友校董空缺數目:1名 (2) 參與校友校董選舉的提名期限:自本通知發出日至2019年8月12日 (3) 更改本會臨時會員名冊的期限:自本通知發出日至2019年8月12日 (4) 選舉主任的送達地址:香港北角雲景道62號中華基督教會桂華山中學(校友會收) (5) 投票日日期及時間:2019年8月28日上午10時至下午5時 (6) 投票地址:香港北角雲景道62號中華基督教會桂華山中學家長及校友資源中心   參與校友校董選舉的候選人必須(1)曾在本校就讀,及(2)不是本校的教員。任何擬參加校友校董選舉的人士必須填妥本會會章的“指明表格甲”(超鏈接:https://ccckws.edu.hk/form.pdf),並必須於上述指定提名期限前將填妥的“指明表格甲” 送達到上述的送達地址。 倘若合資格的候選人數目不多於校友校董的出缺數目,根據會章規定,該候選人將自動當選,不另舉行投票。 如果合資格的候選人超過校友校董的出缺數目,校友校董選舉將於上述投票日期、時間及地點舉行。只有載於本會正式會員名冊的人士才有權投票。為更新正式會員名冊,本人現指示刊登本會的臨時會員名冊(超鏈接:https://ccckws.edu.hk/list.pdf)。任何人士如需增加、刪除及/或變更臨時會員名冊所載的内容,必須以書面方式提出申請及根據會章規定提交資料。有關的申請(及任何資料)必須於上述指定日期前送達到上述的送達地址。本人將於不少於上述投票日2個星期前公佈本會正式會員名冊。   陳贊臣 校友會會長暨選舉主任 2019年5月20日

[Basketball competition] 3 on 3 inter-school basketball competition completed!
“Dare to shoot” photography competition – application

The application period of “Dare to shot” photography competition have started already. Please submit your application though the link below: Application

[Campus TV] Awards – “Your Choice” Micro film competition 2018/19

The Campus TV team won the “Best movie award” and “Best screenplay award” in the  “Your Choice” Micro film competition 2018/19 organized by the Hong Kong Association of Youth Development. Members of Campus TV: Hui Wing Chung Lai Tik Kan Chan Hung Chi Jansley Cheng Kwok Yeung Lam Hiu Kit Chan Pui Lam Man Him