
‘Shandong- Hong Kong Cup’ Inter-school Basketball Tournament

We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in ‘Shandong- Hong Kong Cup’ Inter-school Basketball Tournament organized byHong Kong Zibo Association (Hong Kong Area) :
1W 鍾欣睿 Secondary School Boys 1st Place
1W 朱豪軒 Secondary School Boys 1st Place
3K CAHLVIN Secondary School Boys 1st Place
3W 許量登 Secondary School Boys 1st Place
3W 何栢軒 Secondary School Boys 1st Place
3W 張君豪 Secondary School Boys 1st Place
3W 余俊羲 Secondary School Boys 1st Place
3W 尹世民 Secondary School Boys 1st Place
4S MIKE Secondary School Boys 1st Place
5K EMERALD Secondary School Boys 1st Place
5W 蕭嘉濠 Secondary School Boys 1st Place